Content marketing is now widely understood and accepted as a pillar in the business industry; we acknowledge that providing educational materials to prospects and customers is vital to earn the business and loyalty of today’s buyers. As technology rapidly advances, however, the concept of content marketing is changing as well. Content automation, along with editorial and creative arts automation, will continue to affect how we include content to buyers.
As the “content landscape” changes, Cameron Conaway encourages leaders to continue to have an open mind and adapt along with this transformation. Rather than base your decision-making on fear, he urges you to “work to shift your mindset and develop habits of curiosity about what’s changing and why.” These are attributes of leaders who understand technology trends and are in it for the long haul—not short-term success. Read Conaway’s full article, “Leadership in the Age of Content Marketing Automation” for inspirational insight on how to remain a content leader in the age of content automation.